Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why Men Would Want This?

Why Men Would Want This? Why men want to share their wife!Many could come up with answers that would fit the mold, but I think the most compelling answer is that a lot of men love to see their wives excited and feeling free.
Let's take the opposite end of the spectrum for a moment... a very jealous man — If a man is extremely jealous, it is because he strives to over control a woman. In most cases this is not a desirable position for either partner in the relationship.
As we take a step towards the middle and discuss a "normal" or so-called "normal" relationship. In this type of situation, if a man (friend or stranger) were to walk up to his wife and tell her she was hot, or flirt in some other way... the husband would either become jealous or somehow try to squelch that type of talk and thinking for sure. And in most cases the wife would expect that to happen.
On our side of things, although jealousy is not completely absent, much of our need to control is relinquished by a desire to allow our wife's freedom to respond in a friendly fashion, unless there is a safety factor involved. It is also freeing for us to know that men liking our wives excites us rather than angers us.
Most women are kind of programmed to think that their husband should be jealous if they really love them. This is generally learned from watching others on TV or in movies. This unfortunately promotes kind of an ownership mentality on both partners. Couples should feel like they belong to each other, but jealousy proves nothing as far as love goes. Sacrifice and trust are actually more of a test of true love.
It is really a compliment and an exciting thing for us to know that other men are interested in our beautiful wife. After all, when a man flirts with her, it is usually because he's attracted to her. He doesn't want to harm your wife, but probably really likes her... as he should!
Men wanting this is very much like wanting other men to like your wife in a friendly way, but if it were to get physical between them, that would express his feelings toward her even greater. And we just kind of hope that happens in some way. We want to be a part of helping our wives achieve newness and excitement. It's also something we can enjoy in common with our wives... kind of like helping your best friend with their love life.
Hotwifing is about men letting their wives be as hot as they can be! He wants his wife to enjoy opening up to attention from other men and for her to really enjoy it. Most of the time this process is initiated by the husband, but it is really inspired by his beautiful and trusting wife.
© 2010

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