Saturday, January 12, 2013

Advantages of Marriage and Excitement of Dating!

Advantages of Marriage and Excitement of Dating! Advantages of Hotwife DatingOne might ask "Why bother getting married if you are going to spend time with other men too?" That is a good question, however, it is a very limited way to look at marriage or a long term, committed relationship.
Some women get married without having ever been intimate with another man, others have... as they say, "played the field"... In either case, Hotwifing could be a good fit. Wouldn't it be fun to feel the thrill of dating again?
When a woman and man marry, it is a multifaceted union that covers anything from their initial attraction, to raising and supporting a family together... Not to mention the spiritual and social aspects of the marriage. When a man really wants his wife to enjoy other men, it is a great opportunity for her to experience the best aspects of both the married and single worlds.
One thing that gets brought up a lot in relationship discussions and counseling is that "marriage isn't just about the intimate times"... However, if that is correct, why do so many marriages break up when an extramarital affair is discovered, even if it is not a serious encounter? On one hand we have the intimate part being portrayed as only one slice of a marriage, and on the other hand, it appears to have paramount significance.
For many years people have been incorrectly portraying the concept of infidelity, by pinning it mostly on the passionate moment. It is actually the deception and lack of trust that causes a feeling of betrayal, and not just the physical and emotional act of an affair.
Although intimacy is an important part of marriage, having someone to trust, share, and grow old with is the real foundation. And although there is nothing wrong with staying single, the benefits of marriage can be great.
When a married woman chooses to spend time, or share intimacy with other men (with her husbands approval, help and blessing), it is only an addition to the other good things of the marriage, and doesn't violate or betray anyone's trust.
Hotwifing is based on couples that are very committed to each other. Honesty, trust and communication get better in most Hotwifing situations. In addition, the thrill of her enjoying freedom to spend time with other men is something he wants to deeply share with his hot wife.
So, if you are married and you add Hotwifing to your bag of tricks, you will enjoy the advantages of marriage, and the wonderful excitement you felt when you were dating!
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