Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hotwifing and the Christian Religion

Hotwifing and the Christian Religion This is a topic that could certainly create a lot of tension in a room full of people. Fortunately we are not going to get too dogmatic here from any point of view. It would however, do us a disservice to our Christian readers to avoid this topic, as it can be a make or brake it area to understand for those interested in Hotwifing.
There are some basic things to understand. First, the Judeo/Christian Bible does not directly point out Hotwifing in any real sense... good or bad. There are only references to unfaithful wives and infidelity, but they are referring to situations where husbands would not approve.
One could attempt to classify Hotwifing as adultery, or unlawful fornication, but there are no proof texts at all. Adultery is unfaithfulness, and fornication is dealing with idolatrous sex. Hotwifing is something that a loving couple does for their own pleasure and fantasy, but doesn't have to violate their marriage vows or their relationship with God.
Inevitably Biblical Christians are aware that human beings are of a fallen nature and in complete need of salvation from all sins; past, present, and future. This doesn't give Christians a license to sin, but also doesn't exempt them from sinning. Salvation is a free gift to all sinners, if they accept it.
The Bible is also very clear about multiple wives as being a normal lifestyle throughout history. There was never an abolishment of this, nor was there a condemnation against multiple husbands or men, other than through unfaithfulness.
The strongest argument against Hotwifing from a Christian stand point of view would be that one could become obsessed and turn it into some kind of idol, false god, or sexual perversion. That can be true, however... one's business, hobby, or even there own marital relationship can take on those same characteristics.
Atheists could most likely care less about sin or the God of the Bible. But for those that believe in scripture and adhere to their faith, we recommend that you personally discuss this with your spouse, and check the scriptures for yourself without bias.
© 2010

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