Saturday, January 12, 2013

Kissing Another Man

Kissing Another Man Hotwife Kissing Another ManThis is where many men vary in their wishes and/or fantasies. Some men would love to see their wives kissing another man and being intimate, whereas other's would never want their wife kissing someone else. There are reasons for both and varying degrees of feelings on this, however the thought of another man sparking this level of intimacy can be a great source of motivation for a woman to really enjoy the romantic side of things to whatever degree possible.
Assuming a husband would love to see his wife kissing another man, there must be some reason that he would want this. It isn't because he doesn't love his wife, it is mostly based on him seeing her pleased. Often a man feels that his wife would be re-inspired by the excitement of making out with this new man. After all, kissing a new man is something that brings back a certain level of their youth and freedom.
Women would be surprised to see how many men would be into their wives being intimate with another man. If a man is comfortable with his relationship and really trusts his wife, kissing is a great place to start. Either the husband or wife should start initiating some level of kissing... even hello and goodbye kisses with a man that would be appropriate for this. Women shouldn't be afraid of this, as their husband approves, and it could be a lot of fun. Then you can gradually make the kisses and hugging a little longer each time and enjoy the intimacy.
It is important for a couple to assure each other that they are not looking to lose the other person, but rather that they are excited about the new experience and happy that both are pleased by this.
Who to kiss? It would depend upon a couples situation. It could be an old friend of his or hers, or someone you both met recently. It is important that you both like and trust the man and most important that she's somewhat attracted to him.
Many men would love to watch their wife kissing another man, but would also be willing to give space when the time comes, so they can feel free to kiss, uninhibited, until they become comfortable with someone watching. This will happen almost naturally, however you should just be curious and watch for what is appropriate for the situations.
The great thing about kissing and making out is that you can just leave it at that, or pursue more.... that's up to you and your mate to decide. A woman shouldn't be offended that her husband would want this. It is because his husband trusts her and wants to share her beauty that is inspiring this. A fantasy yes... but it is also a wonderful way of renewing your relationship and sharing something very intimate together.
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